To His Mistress
By George Villiers, the second Duke of Buckingham
What a dull fool was I
To think so gross a lie
As that I ever was in love before !
I have perhaps known one or two
With whom I was content to be
At that which they call, keeping company;
But after all that they could do
I could still be with more ;
Their absence never made me shed a tear,
And I can truly swear
That till my eyes first gazed on you,
I ne'er beheld that thing I could adore.
A world of things must curiously be sought,
A world of things together must be brought
To make up charms which have the power to move
Through a discerning eye, true love;
That is a master-piece above,
What only looks and shape can do,
There must be wit and judgement too
Greatness of thought and worth which draw
From the whole world respect and awe.
She that would raise a noble love, must find
Ways to beget a passion for her mind,
She must be that which she to be would seem,
For all true love is grounded on esteem.
Plainness and truth gain more a generous heart,
Then all the crooked subtleties of art.
She must be—what said I?—she must be you
None but yourself this miracle can do.
At least I'm sure, thus much I plainly see
None but yourself e'er did it upon me,
Tis you alone that can my heart subdue,
To you alone it always shall be true.
6th October 2024